PCD and CN: What's the Difference?
As many know, a Canadian investment firm, TerraCap, is seeking to rezone 10 acres that front on Bee Ridge Rd. directly across from the Mauna Loa entrance to Lake Sarasota. The site is known as the Bee Ridge Park of Commerce, or BRPOC, for short.
TerraCap and its representative Dailey Design are seeking to change the designation of these fronting 10 acres from PCD to CN, and in order to do this, they must hold a public meeting, called a Neighborhood Workshop. A meeting date will be set and announced soon, we're told.
The governing land use and zoning codes are very detailed, Some members of the community have attempted to make a side-by-side comparison of what is permitted in PCD vs. what can go into a CN. None of us is an expert, but the information has been drawn from an authoritative source, the Municipal Code of Ordinances of Sarasota County.
Generally, a PCD allows for a broader range of uses - including bars, liquor stores, warehouses, lumberyards, extreme sports, gun ranges, and churches. None of these uses is allowed in CN.
The CN designation tends to be more retail-oriented. Below the page break you'll find which uses are allowed for PCD and which are allowed for CN, broken down by level of permission. Click here for more information about levels of permission.
One potential issue with CN is, a developer need not specify which of the various allowed uses he wishes to attract to his commercial space.
Note that asterisks mark those uses that are equally permitted in both PCD and CN. Click on "read more" to see the details.
The Bee Ridge Park of Commerce (BRPOC) is currently labeled “PCD” - this is a broad land use designation. Several parcels within this PCD are what are known as “bubbles.” That is, they have no specific use listed, and therefore are open to any of the Permitted (P) uses below for PCD, and potentially open to any of the Limited uses (L).
If the 10 acres of the BRPOC were converted to CN, then use on those 10 acres would be restricted to what is allowed for CN below:
PCD vs. CN by level of permission (Sarasota County Code Appendix 5)
According to the chart, everything that's permitted as CN is also permitted as PCD but not vice versa.
The ones marked with * are permitted for both CN and PCD
PCD - Permitted
Townhouse (semi-attached, roof deck, stacked)
Multifamily (multiplex, apartment)
Upper story/attached residential
* All community service
* Family day care home
* Large family child care home
* Adult day care home (up to 6)
* Adult day care facility (7 or more)
College or university
* Day facility
Elementary, middle or high school
* Vocational, trade or business school
All medical facilities except pain management clinics
* All parks and open areas, except cemetery, wild animal sanctuary
All passenger terminals except limited airport, heliport
Places of worship
Neighborhood resource center
* Minor utilities
* Stormwater facility in different zoning district than principal use
All indoor recreation except bars are permitted/limited and indoor entertainment is limited/special exception
* Clubs & lodges
Extreme sports facility
Firing, or archery range, indoor
Gymnastics facility, martial arts facility, fitness gym, dance studio, indoor sports academy
All offices
* Community recreation facility
All commercial parking
Drive-thru (drive in) restaurants
All retail sales and service except limited animal hospital, veterinary clinic, with or without animal boarding and limited convenience store with gas pumps, gas station with minim art
Convenience store without gas pumps permitted
Drive-thru retail sales or service
Package store
Vehicle parts and accessories
Retail sales of lumber and building supplies up to 60,000 square feet gross floor area
All self-service storage
Car wash, full or self-service
All light industrial service, except crematorium
Research laboratory without manufacturing facility
All warehouse and freight movement, except stockpiling of sand and gravel
All wholesale trade
CN - Permitted
All community services
Family day care home
Large family child care home
Adult day care home (up to 6)
Adult day care facility (7 or more)
Educational day facility
Vocational, trade or business school
All parks and open areas, except cemetery and wild animal sanctuary
Minor utilities
Stormwater facility in different zoning district than principal use
Clubs & lodges
Community recreation facility
PCD - Limited (Permitted with Limitations)
* Live work unit
* Upper story/attached residential
* All group living except community residential home and group homes
* Boarding house, rooming house, fraternity or sorority
* Day care facility
Medical patient family accommodations
* Major utilities limited/special exception
Bars permitted/limited
* Entertainment indoors limited/special exception
Entertainment outdoors limited/special exception
Animal hospital, veterinary clinic, with or without animal boarding
Convenience store with gas pumps, gas station with minim art
All transient accommodations, except bed and breakfast
Vehicle service, general
CN - Limited (Permitted with Limitations)
Live work unit
Upper story/attached residential
All group living except community residential home and group homes
Boarding house, rooming house, fraternity or sorority
Day care facility
Medical facilities limited except no patient family accommodations or pain management clinics
Places of worship
Neighborhood resource center
Major utilities limited/special exception
All indoor recreation is limited exception except
Bars are limited/special exception
Indoor Entertainment is limited/special exception
No extreme sports facilities
No firing or archery range, indoor
No Gymnastics facility, fitness gym, dance studio, indoor sports academy
All offices are limited/special exception
Restaurants limited/special exception
All retail sales are limited/special exception except drive-thru retail sales or service is limited only and garden center/outside merchandise is by special exception
All transient accommodations, including bed and breakfast are limited/special exception
PCD - Special Exception
All social service institutions except neighborhood resource center is permitted
Dog or horse track, jai-alai fronton
Polo club
Special events in conjunction with an approved outdoor recreation use
Garden center completely enclosed
Garden center/outside merchandise
Retail sales, over 60,000 square feet gross floor area in a single occupant building
CN - Special Exception
College or university
Garden center/outside merchandise
Special events in conjunction with an approved outdoor recreation use
TerraCap and its representative Dailey Design are seeking to change the designation of these fronting 10 acres from PCD to CN, and in order to do this, they must hold a public meeting, called a Neighborhood Workshop. A meeting date will be set and announced soon, we're told.
The governing land use and zoning codes are very detailed, Some members of the community have attempted to make a side-by-side comparison of what is permitted in PCD vs. what can go into a CN. None of us is an expert, but the information has been drawn from an authoritative source, the Municipal Code of Ordinances of Sarasota County.
Generally, a PCD allows for a broader range of uses - including bars, liquor stores, warehouses, lumberyards, extreme sports, gun ranges, and churches. None of these uses is allowed in CN.
The CN designation tends to be more retail-oriented. Below the page break you'll find which uses are allowed for PCD and which are allowed for CN, broken down by level of permission. Click here for more information about levels of permission.
One potential issue with CN is, a developer need not specify which of the various allowed uses he wishes to attract to his commercial space.
Note that asterisks mark those uses that are equally permitted in both PCD and CN. Click on "read more" to see the details.
The Bee Ridge Park of Commerce (BRPOC) is currently labeled “PCD” - this is a broad land use designation. Several parcels within this PCD are what are known as “bubbles.” That is, they have no specific use listed, and therefore are open to any of the Permitted (P) uses below for PCD, and potentially open to any of the Limited uses (L).
If the 10 acres of the BRPOC were converted to CN, then use on those 10 acres would be restricted to what is allowed for CN below:
PCD vs. CN by level of permission (Sarasota County Code Appendix 5)
According to the chart, everything that's permitted as CN is also permitted as PCD but not vice versa.
The ones marked with * are permitted for both CN and PCD
PCD - Permitted
Townhouse (semi-attached, roof deck, stacked)
Multifamily (multiplex, apartment)
Upper story/attached residential
* All community service
* Family day care home
* Large family child care home
* Adult day care home (up to 6)
* Adult day care facility (7 or more)
College or university
* Day facility
Elementary, middle or high school
* Vocational, trade or business school
All medical facilities except pain management clinics
* All parks and open areas, except cemetery, wild animal sanctuary
All passenger terminals except limited airport, heliport
Places of worship
Neighborhood resource center
* Minor utilities
* Stormwater facility in different zoning district than principal use
All indoor recreation except bars are permitted/limited and indoor entertainment is limited/special exception
* Clubs & lodges
Extreme sports facility
Firing, or archery range, indoor
Gymnastics facility, martial arts facility, fitness gym, dance studio, indoor sports academy
All offices
* Community recreation facility
All commercial parking
Drive-thru (drive in) restaurants
All retail sales and service except limited animal hospital, veterinary clinic, with or without animal boarding and limited convenience store with gas pumps, gas station with minim art
Convenience store without gas pumps permitted
Drive-thru retail sales or service
Package store
Vehicle parts and accessories
Retail sales of lumber and building supplies up to 60,000 square feet gross floor area
All self-service storage
Car wash, full or self-service
All light industrial service, except crematorium
Research laboratory without manufacturing facility
All warehouse and freight movement, except stockpiling of sand and gravel
All wholesale trade
CN - Permitted
All community services
Family day care home
Large family child care home
Adult day care home (up to 6)
Adult day care facility (7 or more)
Educational day facility
Vocational, trade or business school
All parks and open areas, except cemetery and wild animal sanctuary
Minor utilities
Stormwater facility in different zoning district than principal use
Clubs & lodges
Community recreation facility
PCD - Limited (Permitted with Limitations)
* Live work unit
* Upper story/attached residential
* All group living except community residential home and group homes
* Boarding house, rooming house, fraternity or sorority
* Day care facility
Medical patient family accommodations
* Major utilities limited/special exception
Bars permitted/limited
* Entertainment indoors limited/special exception
Entertainment outdoors limited/special exception
Animal hospital, veterinary clinic, with or without animal boarding
Convenience store with gas pumps, gas station with minim art
All transient accommodations, except bed and breakfast
Vehicle service, general
CN - Limited (Permitted with Limitations)
Live work unit
Upper story/attached residential
All group living except community residential home and group homes
Boarding house, rooming house, fraternity or sorority
Day care facility
Medical facilities limited except no patient family accommodations or pain management clinics
Places of worship
Neighborhood resource center
Major utilities limited/special exception
All indoor recreation is limited exception except
Bars are limited/special exception
Indoor Entertainment is limited/special exception
No extreme sports facilities
No firing or archery range, indoor
No Gymnastics facility, fitness gym, dance studio, indoor sports academy
All offices are limited/special exception
Restaurants limited/special exception
All retail sales are limited/special exception except drive-thru retail sales or service is limited only and garden center/outside merchandise is by special exception
All transient accommodations, including bed and breakfast are limited/special exception
PCD - Special Exception
All social service institutions except neighborhood resource center is permitted
Dog or horse track, jai-alai fronton
Polo club
Special events in conjunction with an approved outdoor recreation use
Garden center completely enclosed
Garden center/outside merchandise
Retail sales, over 60,000 square feet gross floor area in a single occupant building
CN - Special Exception
College or university
Garden center/outside merchandise
Special events in conjunction with an approved outdoor recreation use