UPDATE: Neighborhood Workshop Postponed

UPDATE: The rep for TerraCap, the Dailey Design Group, has postponed the Neighborhood Workshop on rezoning the Bee Ridge Park of Commerce. They expect to announce a new date soon - the earliest date would be Wed. Feb. 20th.

The date for the "Neighborhood Workshop" for the Bee Ridge Park of Commerce Rezoning has just been announced. It will be held at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 13th, at the Disabled American Veterans Hall, 7177 Bee Ridge Rd., which is a small building east of Aberdeen, on the north side of Bee Ridge opposite Middlesex.

This meeting is the one point in the development process where the neighborhood has the chance to listen to and speak to the developer, TerraCap, a Canadian investment firm. The developer will present his plan, which was outlined for the County in December. It involves a rezoning that would allow larger and more intense development of the Bee Ridge Park of Commerce, a 54-acre site at Mauna Loa Blvd. and Bee Ridge Rd. that up to now has been a quiet cul de sac containing HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital and other companies who are involved with care for the elderly and medical technology.

Rezoning Site at Bee Ridge and Mauna Loa

Anyone can speak, and County officials advise us to write our questions and comments, and submit them to the developer and to County regulators at the meeting, as well as to submit them via email.

TerraCap BP -              tkblp@msn.com
Dailey Design Group - DaileyDesign@verizon.net
Sarasota Planning -      Planner@scgov.net
Lake Sarasota -            LakeSarasota@gmail.com

Racetrac Gas Station

Bee Ridge Park of Commerce


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