Neighborhood Workshop set for Wed. Feb. 20th

The Neighborhood Workshop regarding Rezoning of Bee Ridge Park of Commerce is now scheduled for Wed. Feb. 20th, 6 pm. at the Disabled Veterans Lodge. Here's the confirmation from County Planning:
Peter Dailey contacted our office this afternoon to confirm that the neighborhood workshop IS ON for February 20th at 6 pm at the Disabled American Veteran’s Lodge located at 7177 Bee Ridge Road (the lodge is located approximately a ¼ mile east of Mauna Loa Blvd. on the north side of Bee Ridge Road).
Note: As of this posting we still do not know whether Racetrac, which plans a 24-pump gas station on this site, will be included in the proposed rezoning (in which case it will need a special exception to have more than 4 pumps), or whether it will stay with the PCD, which allows for 24 pumps. If built as planned, it will be the largest Racetrac on the West Coast of Florida. Here is a letter to Racetrac from local neighborhoods (also here) - as yet we have received no response from the corporation.
  • If Racetrac is included in the CN, the Workshop will offer the community opportunity to listen to Racetrac's plan and to comment on it, as well as to hear about and comment upon the general rezoning proposed by the overall developer, TerraCap, represented by Mr. Dailey of Dailey Design Group.
  • If Racetrac withdraws, the Workshop will focus on the TerraCap plan to change 10 acres from PCD to CN (Commercial Neighborhood).
In general, PCD allows more varieties of construction than CN. For the differences between PCD and CN permissions, click here.

More background on the rezoning:

This meeting is the one point in the development process where the neighborhood has the chance to listen to and speak to the developer, TerraCap, a Canadian investment firm. The developer will present his plan, which was outlined for the County in December. It involves a rezoning that would allow larger and more intense development of the Bee Ridge Park of Commerce, a 54-acre site at Mauna Loa Blvd. and Bee Ridge Rd. that up to now has been a quiet cul de sac containing HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital and other companies who are involved with care for the elderly and medical technology.

A Neighborhood Meeting is public. Anyone can record the meeting, and anyone may choose to speak.

County officials advise us to write our questions and comments, and submit them to the developer and to County regulators at the meeting, as well as to submit them via email to the following:

TerraCap BP     
Dailey Design Group &
Sarasota Planning
Lake Sarasota    


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