Update on FDOT plan for Bee Ridge Exchange

We asked a representative from FDOT to update us on plans for the Bee Ridge interchange. Here's the latest as of today:

The Florida Department of Transportation anticipates conducting informational meetings in late-January/early-February 2017 where display boards will be set up in an open-house format in which attendees will have the opportunity to view the project and ask questions of FDOT staff and its project engineering consultant team.

A video presentation will also be provided that will review the history of the project, a detailed description of the current design and hopefully address many of the questions you and others may have about the project. Check for updates at the project website.

Two questions:
1. Does the plan for the continuous flow intersection at Cattlemen call for two legs or four?   
The slide attached, of the Bee Ridge Road/Cattlemen Road intersection, was taken from the presentation given during the July 26, 2016 public hearing. As shown, the Continuous Flow Intersection configuration will displace the left turns in both the eastbound and westbound direction of Bee Ridge Road only. The northbound/southbound left turn movements along Cattlemen Road at Bee Ridge Road will function as a conventional left turn movement (non-displaced).

2. Is the current plan for the southbound off-ramp leading to Cattlemen still the new plan to come in not immediately opposite Wilkinson, but a bit north of it?  
The plan for the terminus point of the southbound off-ramp onto Cattlemen Road is the same as that presented at the July 26th public hearing (see attached slide), which is approximately 430-feet north of Wilkinson Road.

At present there are no updates or changes to the timeline or funding of the project beyond what was presented at the July 26th public hearing. Right-of-way is partially funded in the Department’s Five-Year Work Program and construction remains unfunded.


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