Workshop: Development on West Side of Lake Sarasota 7.18.23

Please share this with your Lake Sarasota neighbors:

On Tuesday July 18, an online Neighborhood Workshop will take place. It's about a new proposed set of high-rise condos on the sliver of wooded land between Lake Sarasota and I-75.

The developer will be going to the County with a new plan for 208 (or possibly more) dwelling units on  24.5 acres, to be called West Bridge at Lake Sarasota.

Access to the land will solely be possible through roads within Lake Sarasota. Two bridges to cross over the creek (which is part of the Phillippi Creek drainage area) will be constructed. 

The image below is taken from the full proposal.

The Zoom link to the 7.18 Neighborhood Workshop is:

  • Meeting ID: 933 620 1982
  • Password: 123456

Neighborhood Workshop: West Bridge at Lake Sarasota

  • Date:07/18/2023 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM  

Contact: Brian Lichterman | (941) 780-4166


  • Meeting ID: 933 620 1982
  • Password: 123456

West Bridge at Lake Sarasota_7.18.2023  

A few more screen shots of the plan:

Traffic Analysis:


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