Does this project invite danger?

ReZone Petition 23-19
On Planning Commission Agenda 9.21.23

An 80-home development is proposed to be built on the open space on Hand Road opposite the Lakeview Dog Park. As residents know, Hand Road is basically blocked by school traffic every morning and afternoon as parents and buses usher kids to and from school.

The plan raises additional safety issues as well. The 90-degree curve from Lago Street onto Hand Road is basically blind, and it's at this curve that school kids cross the road each weekday to and from their schools - Lakeview Elementary and Oak Park. 

Before the 90-degree curve, Lago Street is a long straightaway where drivers enjoy building up speed. During school hours, a crossing guard is posted to make sure cars allow schoolchildren to safely cross.

Note Access Point #2 above. Will drivers coming rapidly down Lago Road be able to see cars entering onto Hand Road at that access point right around the curve? Will placing an entry from an 80-home project near the blind curve invite new potential dangers? 

This proposal comes before the Planning Commission on Thursday. If you have children in Lakeview Elementary or Oak Park, please send this information to your school's parent-teacher organization and the principals.

The Planning Commission meets Thursday, Sept. 21, 2023 at 5 pm on the first floor meeting room in the Sarasota Administration Building, 1660 Ringling Boulevard.

Here are the Planning Commissioners' addresses:



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