13 reasons to come to the Spring Fling

  1. Free Food - burgers, hot dogs, potato salads, and all sorts of dishes and desserts cooked, baked or otherwise prepared by your neighbors.
  2. Meet your neighbors.
  3. Make something at the crafts table.
  4. Take Citizens Patrol training.
  5. Skyline
    (the band)

  6. Find out about the flaky Florida history of Lake Sarasota.
  7. Sign up for one of your neighborhood helper groups: Yard of the Month - Citizens Patrol - Beautification - Lakes - Clean-up - Communications
  8. Meet your local police.
  9. Sign up for the next Community Yard Sale (coming May 19th)
  10. Meet County representatives who know about stormwater, parks, recreation, and more.
  11. Did we mention free food?
  12. Raffles - with cool prizes - gift baskets, a boat ride for a party of four!
When: Sunday, May 6, 1-4 p.m.
Where: Pavilion, Lakeview Park
Why: See above
Bring: A dish, a chair and a neighbor

(There are a few volunteer jobs open at the picnic for anyone who wishes to join in - volunteers will begin preparations at 11 a.m. Sunday at the Pavilion)


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