Sarasota County Sheriff candidates debate at June 9 CONA meeting

Incumbent Sheriff Bill Balkwill is not running again, but there is no shortage of folks seeking his job. The four announced candidates for Sarasota County Sheriff will debate who will make the best sheriff at CONA's Monday, June 9, 7:00 PM meeting.

The meeting will be at The Sarasota Garden Club, 1131 Boulevard of the Arts, Sarasota (Corner of US 41 and Blvd of the Arts) at 7 PM on May 12. Please visit CONA's web site for detailed directions. Candidates Dave Gustafson, Tom Knight, and Curt Lavelle have so far accepted invitations to participate.

The format at CONA candidates' nights is that each candidate has two minutes to introduce themselves and their views, followed by the panel answering questions from the audience and concluding with a one-minute summary by each candidate. CONA, the Sarasota County Council of Neighborhood Associations, is a county-wide coalition of sixty-one neighborhood and condominium associations and individuals organized around making Sarasota County more neighborhood friendly. Members of the public and the media, as well as CONA members are invited to attend and ask questions.


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