Organic local produce leads off Monday night's CONA meeting

A note from John Krotec of Fruitville 210:

Monday, 14 September marks the first CONA meeting of the season at 7:00 at the Sarasota Garden Club.

Our speaker will be Rob Kluson, Ph.D., who is our Sarasota County Extension Agent. Rob has been working tirelessly and creatively to reinvent and to reinvigorate one of our county's oldest
"industries": Agriculture.

Rob has been working with farmers, restaurants, and grocery stores to develop a market for locally-grown produce (especially organic produce). If you have dined at some of our good restaurants lately, you will have noticed that many of the vegetables on the menus are identified by the local farm or area in which they were grown.

Rob will be able to teach all of us about the many new techniques, opportunities, and markets for our local agricultural products, so make it a point to come to the Sarasota Garden Club at 7:00 pm this coming Monday! Find out about opportunities for local economic development, creating jobs and income for our county, as well as fresher, healthier food for our families!


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