Crime Report for January 2011

According to the Sheriff's Office, there were 8 reports of vandalism in January, 4 burglaries, 3 thefts and one juvenile disturbance in Lake Sarasota. Ted Cover, who gets these numbers from the SO, noted that there were a couple of additional actions, including a brick being thrown through a bedroom window in the 4100 block of Tonga Drive, which were published in the Sarasota Observer. The paper states that the Sheriff was called to investigate, but these incidents did not appear in the monthly report. It's unclear why that would be.

The most popular street for crime was Friendship; the most popular day was Sunday (4 incidents), the next was Monday (3).

Anyone up for Citizen Patrol? Please contact Ted: at or 379-0758.

Update from a regular Lakeview Park user:
I see the "reported" crimes listed on the Lake Sarasota page but don't recall seeing any of the frequent vandalism in the park mentioned. There are many people that enjoy the park and hate to see the destruction of the tables tossed into the water, skateboarders using the tables as skating rails, trashcans destroyed and tossed into the lake, the Petanque courts dug up to create ramps for jumping over with the bikes, destruction in the restrooms, etc. There are many children and teens that come daily to the park but I never see parents come to check on what they are actually doing there. Please, Parents...if your child has a bike or a skateboard check it out as to what they are doing and where it is taking place!


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