Interim Update and Upcoming Meeting.

The next meeting of the Lake Sarasota Community Group will feature Sarasota tax attorney Mary King, who will talk about tax resolution and take questions from those in attendance.

The meeting is set for March 13, 7 pm at Sarasota Alliance Church (opposite Chaucer).

Other items:

1. The Lake Sarasota Community Garage Sale is set for Saturday March 29th. If you wish to be on the map, contact Sandy Allen at Here's the map so far:

2. The proposal to rezone the Bee Ridge Park of Commerce (directly opposite the Mauna Loa entrance to Lake Sarasota) comes before the Planning Commission April 3rd, 6:30 pm, at the North County Admin Center. After this review, it will go to the Board of Commissioners.

Included in this proposal are two items: 1) rezoning from PCD to CN, and 2) a right-in/right-out turn from Bee Ridge into the Park of Commerce about 450' from the intersection of Bee Ridge and Mauna Loa.

The Bee Ridge Neighborhoods Committee has looked at the proposal, which was presented at the Neighborhood Workshop in December. At that workshop, the developer's agent Peter Dailey stated that in addition to a hotel, Racetrac, two restaurants and other commercial properties, the land has approvals for two condo developments, one with around 90 units, another with 360 units.

Mr. Dailey's summary of the meeting is here.

One question is whether the County has done a traffic study that adequately takes into account the total cumulative traffic that will result from all of this new commercial and residential development. If the potential impact has not been properly measured, not only our intersection at Mauna Loa but all the neighborhoods along that corridor could suffer. The East side of the highway could be an exact replica of the mess on the West side.

3. A mom living in Lake Sarasota is concerned about drug dealers using Lakeview Park for sales. She personally knows elementary school kids who have been approached by these dealers. One purchased marijuana from a dealer. The Parks Dept. has been contacted and has indicated it will consult with the Sheriff. Can Citizens Patrol be more active?

4. A family with young children that lives near the entrance at Mauna Loa and Bee Ridge is concerned about cars speeding up to make the light. Any suggestions?

5. The Brainstorming Poll results are in -- asked to name one or two top priorities for community involvement:
  • Beautification came out on top 
  • Garage Sale close second 
  • An event such as a bike rodeo or kayak demos came in third 
  • A referral board (recommending workers we know and trust) was distant fourth 
  • Bingo was last. 


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