Issues arising from Sarasota Baptist Proposed development on Hand Road


Parents and schoolchildren on Hand Road - school traffic

Typically, in Sarasota, and with any SPECIAL EXCEPTION, AND REZONE if a landowner is seeking an increase in density, or change in use, or anything that does not explicitly meet the current code, specific RESTRICTIONS, STIPULATIONS AND SAFEGUARDS should be recorded and run with the land in perpetuity.

Lake Sarasota is a 1,600-home community. We request a revised Binding Concept Plan along with multiple restrictions, stipulations and safeguards be implemented in order to move forward at this time.  Sarasota County should not be adding additional burden to its current tax base by allowing a developer to increase its currently permitted density without such strategies for protection of its existing community members!

We request the Developer and the County allow engagement of a Binding Concept plan that addresses the community’s CONCERNS!!

List of Issues/Concerns: 


  • Hand Road currently floods with smaller storm events, and significant flooding in larger storm events 
  • Due to the constant rainwater ponding in the area, the roadway is in complete disrepair. Any additional impervious in the area will be a significant impact, as the current use of the property is open-use estate/farm, of which provides significant impoundment of rainwater through on-site soil storage, and reduced run-off rates due to the significant amount of pervious surfaces. 
  • How will the County and Developer not be creating an adverse impact? What will the parties do to not create any additional burdens to the surrounding communities?
  • How will the county and the developer ensure the existing facilities in the ROW will not be overburdened with this development?
  • What are the solutions for the existing flooding and how with the County and the Developer reduce this current community risk?—SEE IMAGES
  • The small sidewalk and open ditch system flood even during small rain events, to the point where kids can not access the sidewalk without walking through water.

Proximity of developer's entrance/exit to blindn curve on Lago Rd. 

Hand Road School Access and Safety

  • Hand Road is a major access driveway for our kids and parents every day (8am and 3pm). Its an extremely important access for safe and protected access for young ones, and the currently proposed site plan reflects two additional roadway connections, and 160+ additional vehicles which will create increased safety risks. 
  • How is the developer and the County and/or school board mitigating these concerns?

                            Hand Road: Every weekday morning and afternoon

What safety improvements are proposed to mitigate these concerns?

  • A MURT (Multi-Use Recreational Trail), and improved sidewalk and pavement section is needed to support the safe movement of children and parents – see images**
  • What has the developer been required to do to mitigate these concerns?
  • Is there a mechanism, like a Binding Concept Plan, or ROW Improvement Plan that should be required, especially since the Developer is requesting an increased density than what the current property allows?
  • What evidence has the developer provided to prove the increase in density will not impact the surrounding community?

Aging Infrastructure:

  • The Lake Sarasota Community has been paying for Sarasota County Utilities since the 80’s. The utilities are over 50 years old, and the significant amount of Watermain and Water service breaks, as well as the # of Sanitary Sewer Back-ups would indicate the existing utilities are at their end of their service life. – SEE IMAGES** # of watermain breaks in the community??
  • What is the developer proposing regarding connections to this existing aging infrastructure? Will there be mandatory upgrades, or will there be significant impacts on a system already falling behind??
  • What assurances do the existing tax paying residents have regarding impact or loss of existing services by this new dense development?

Compatibility with surrounding neighborhoods:

  • The statement provided by the applicant claims FLU Policy 1.3.9 of the comp plan should allow the current FLU of MDR, max 4.99 units per ac to be increase to 5.5 units per ac?
  • How is this compatible when this significant increase would FAR exceed the existing surrounding developments? Where are the findings of fact? All that is provided are opinions, no facts?? 
  • By inspection and significant increase in the current land density would  be an impact, please provide mitigation to this impact and increase of density!


  • The neighborhood, Lake Sarasota, is a community, which is tied closely to the schools (Lakeview Elementary and Oak Park) whom people access through our community roadway, Mauna Loa, as well as the Lakeview Dog Park and Lakeview Park. Our community has been in existence since the 70’s. Multiple generations have grown up here, attended Lakeview Elementary, and are now living here so their children can attend Lakeview Elementary and enjoy our small slice of community heaven. 
  • The remaining properties surrounding the area include a OUE -1 and OUE-2 (very limited density, and lots of open space), as well as RE-1, RE-2, RSF-1 and RSF-2. 
  • The Hand Road property currently is zoned OUE, with a special exception of which had to be approved by the community, the board and the commission back in 1985.
  • This Special Exception was required, since the property use is not consistent with Zoning and FLU. This special exception was deemed to be an improvement and additional resource to the area, as the use of the request (church) was complementary to the existing schools and low-density development in the area. The church site is also a polling location. And the Binding Concept plan restricted significant density to the parcels now being extracted from the Special Exception.
  • The Special Exception modification and the concurrent Re-zone will significantly reduce the amount of OPEN SPACE previously agreed upon as to for the Special Exception. How can the County allow for such a significant reduction of OPEN Space without mitigation measures, such as additional restrictions, stipulations, or safeguard measures?? 
  • The Special Exception is now being modified to further increase the density of the land, and add undue burden to the surrounding communities, of which were permitted and designed under their CURRENT ZONING AND FLU. 

Summary on Special Exception inconsistencies/Issues:

Special Exception 1008 – 1985 – County records for Special Exception Binding plan – cant find? – however – see swfwmd plans – the additional parcels outside 26 ac not shown . . . until future plans in 2001

EXPANSION OF CHURCH FACILITY -- Special Exception petition 1532 was DENIED – resolution No 2003-128—see existing special exception language ---

How can the county move forward without addressing the existing special exception?? It has a binding concept plan, and something just as detailed should replace it!!!

It appears they are not currently adhering to the existing stipulation #6!!!!

Why is the 28 ac not subject to a binding concept plan ?

Why are they asking for RSF-4? What is going to keep them from increasing the unit count from 80 to 28.3*4.99 = 141 units?


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