Lake Sarasota Meeting 11.16.23 about new projects affecting traffic and safety

Notices about the proposed 80+ luxury home project with two entrances on Hand Road have been mailed out, but it's unclear how much of the Lake Sarasota community is included in the mailing. Note that this project poses potential safety considerations for our school children as well as parents driving their kids to Lakeview Elementary and Oak Park Schools. No traffic study has been done.

The County Commission Hearing on Nov. 28th will be the final decision on this project. Here's a link to the official hearing announcement, which indicates a 9 a.m. time, but this could be updated when the official Agenda comes out. -

More information about this project and Sarasota Baptist's sale of acreage to David Weekley Homes, is at these links:

We spoke at the Planning Commission Hearing. Two commissioners saw the potential hazard of the design and voted against the proposal. 

The Planning Commission is an appointed board of Realtors, builders, construction company marketers, etc. who volunteer to review projects prior to the County Commission. The marketing director of Pulte Homes pressed the Board to approve without discussion of issues of safety raised by residents of Lake Sarasota.

A meeting open to all residents of Lake Sarasota is set for 7 pm Nov. 16 at Sarasota Alliance Church - (north side of Bee Ridge opposite Chaucer).

Email: Put RZ 23-19 in your subject line, e.g. "Safety Concerns about RZ 23-19"

Video of the Planning Commission hearing of Sept. 21 is here - the Hand Road proposal begins at about the 16-minute mark.

Thank you for your efforts on this and on the West Bridge project which is still pending.


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