June 10th Meeting: A brief summary

A summary of last evening's General Meeting:

County liaison Debbie Marks informed the group that $5,546 remains from an original $10,000 grant from the county. The county would like the community to decide how to best use the funds before year's end. This will be an ongoing topic at future meetings -- if you have some thoughts, come to a meeting and let us hear from you.

Some brainstorming took place on how to get more people out to the meetings. Some thought more people might come if the meeting were earlier - 5:30 p.m. instead of 7 p.m., for example. Or, to meet in cool months at the park rather than at the church. Others suggested various sorts of incentives -- raffles, guest speakers, hot-button issues. What do you think? Let us know, either in the comments below or at lakesarasota@gmail.com.

Another lively round of discussion turned on how to handle complaints from residents about code enforcement issues more effectively. As foreclosed homes are snapped up by absentee owners who become landlords, the community runs the risk of seeing an increasing degree of homes inhabited by multiple families, with the usual blighting factors - cars and trucks parked on lawns, additional traffic and litter, etc. One suggestion: hold a meeting that would educate the group on how to usefully gather complaints, inform landlords, and get results from Code Enforcement.

The trees for the Mauna Loa medians should begin to be planted by the County's foresters in about three weeks. These plantings will be maintained by the county until they are well established, and the cost is not coming from our grant.

No new stop signs were authorized for Mauna Loa at the latest Traffic Advisory meeting. Residents of Lake Sarasota spoke for and against the petition for up to three additional signs.

Ted Cover is asking for volunteers for Citizens Patrol. Ted is the new coordinator and will be asking volunteers to tell him when they can be available for patrol.

From Ted:
The next Citizens Patrol training session will be Tuesday, July 8 at 6:30 p.m. (immediately before the regular Community Group business meeting). The location is Sarasota Baptist Church, Room 100.
My home phone number is 379-0758. You can also contact me by E-mail at TCover6161@aol.com .
As Ted said, the next General meeting follows the training session and starts at 7 p.m., July 8. Note: We are a non-profit, non-dues-collecting, non-deed-restricting group of residents whose sole aim is to make our community more safe, beautiful, and humane.


Anonymous said…
Here are 4 ideas:

1.Senior community garden plots
2. Meeting site changed to the fire station with possible time change
3. Butterfly garden planted by the youth
4. Post a Bulletin on the Blog like a swap shop for services or needs like lawn mowed while on vacation
Thanks very much - the bulletin board is an excellent idea - we might also be able do something like that online. Garden suggestions also very helpful.

Can you say more about why it would be good to move the meeting to the fire station?

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