Students in Government

Hello Everyone,

If you know of any youth in your neighborhoods who would be interested in a summer program with STAR (students taking an active role in government) please forward this on. They must be in 9th, 10th, or 11th grade.

Thank you so much.

The STAR Leadership Training provides high school students with a unique opportunity to contribute to our community as decision makers. STAR members will have the chance to take a leadership role in things that matter in Sarasota County and have their voice be heard.

STAR is a 60 hour leadership training that focuses on teambuilding, communication, civic engagement and leadership skills that will empower youth to use their voice as they serve their community. At the completion of the training, youth may be eligible to serve as active, voting members of governmental advisory boards (city and county) or as a member of a non-profit board of directors.

Through the training, youth get the opportunity to….

§ Challenge themselves - learn something new!

§ Voice their opinion - in a decision-making role in Sarasota County.

§ Meet new people - students and community leaders from all over the county.

§ Make a difference! Many people talk about improving the world – here’s a chance to do it!

§ Earn community service hours for creating and implementing their class community project and continue to earn community service hours as they serve on a committee.

We are now accepting applications for our Summer 2008 session. Applicants must be entering 9th, 10th or 11th grade in order to participate. The program is completely FREE… we take care of all the training materials and we also provide lunch. Attached is a copy of the application, our calendar of classes for this summer and a brochure with more information about our program.

The Summer 2008 session begins on Tuesday, June 10th…. We will be hosting a Parent/Student Orientation on Tuesday, June 3rd from 6pm-7:30pm at the Pine View School.

Applications must be received prior to the Orientation on the 3rd. Applications can be submitted by mail, e-mail or faxed to 941-922-8099.

In the meantime, if you have any questions or if I can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at the number listed below.

Thank you!

Yolanda Mancha

Youth Civic Engagement Coordinator

Community Youth Development (CYD)

4409 Sawyer Road

Sarasota, FL 34233



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