Brief report of Nov. 11th General Meeting

The Lake Sarasota Community Group held its final meeting of the year, at which it held elections among other business:

Three new Yards of the Month were selected.

Citizens Patrol needs you. Contact Ted, let him know when you can do a few laps around the neighborhood.

The landscaping of the front entrances looks good, but needs watering. Volunteers are welcome. Contact Tisha if you can volunteer to help out.

Habitat for Humanity is working on a ReHabitat mission in Lake Sarasota, on Samoa. Contact Laura if you'd like to be involved in this home makeover, which is improving our community and helping longtime neighbors in Lake Sarasota.

During the meeting the idea for a Lake Sarasota Trades Referral Service was revived. If you have a business or know of one operated by Lake Sarasota residents that you can recommend, let Bill know, or drop a line to the blog. The best way to get your business represented is to bring your business cards to our general meetings, the second Tuesday of every month (except December - the next one is Jan. 13th).

As a result of our very own November election, Bill Pitts is Chairman of the Lake Sarasota Group for 2009. Tisha is Beautification Director, Judy and Laura are membership directors, and Ellie is again Treasurer. 

Another brainstorming session led to the idea of a list of useful numbers that can be handed out to new residents (in lieu of the welcome wagon). 

The group agreed to canvass interest in starting a CERT training course after the holidays.

Sandy needs volunteers to help with food, maps etc. for the Nov. 29th Lake Sarasota Yard Sale. Contact her at if you can help, or if you want to list your home address on the map.


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