February General Meeting Report

A brief summary of tonight's meeting:

1. Treasury: Ellie reports a total of $907, which include $260 received for local residents who wish to be in the business directory.

2. Renee will be visiting three more Yards of the Month.

3. Ted has four new volunteers and will be holding a 30-minute Citizens Patrol training session at his house within the next week or two. Email him if you wish to join.

4. Changes to the Mauna Loa entrance brought several responses:

  • Tisha asked whether the county will move the trees and Ligustrum that are in the first median. She is willing to move and take care of the small plants until a place for them is found.
  • Ray and Connie noted that there is a proposal to extend Mauna Loa North to connect with Welch Road, which in turn would connect with Porter. This has implications for more traffic at the intersection, they noted.
  • Those in attendance expressed the hope that the proposed concrete separator can be made to look attractive through the use of plantings, brick, or stamped concrete, and that the costs of relocating the flagpole would not be borne by the Group. 
  • Tisha asked whether there are any other similarly designed entrances in the area that we could look at to help envision what our entrance will look like.  Anyone know of any?
5. Business Directory: Sandy needs help to sign up local residents for the Lake Sarasota Business Directory, with a March 15th deadline. Email her (sallen11@comcast.net) or call 321-5582 or 921-2137 to get in before the deadline, or to help with getting others on board. If 80 to 100 businesses sign on, she's planning to do 1,000 copies, to be distributed within Lake Sarasota by hand.  More on this here.

6. A neighborhood garage sale will be held in March or April - to be determined, probably at next meeting (March 10).

7. The local postal facility is threatened with closing. It handles all mail for any zip code that begins with 342__ . There's a Public Town Hall Meeting this Thursday, FEb. 12, 7 p.m. at Sarasota City Hall: 1565 1st St., 34236. Come out and find out how this could impact your home or business mail. More on the entire issue here.

8. A plan to address issues involving Lakeview Park is moving forward with the county's help, said Ray.

9. Our current Mauna Loa entrance signs are in need of retouching -- Tisha volunteered to find out who has the paint.


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