Chairman's recap of July Meeting

To Residents of Lake Sarasota:

We had a very interesting meeting last night.

We had guests, Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Palmer who gave a very informative presentation on waste management and recycling. They explained what things are and are not recycleable and what to do with things that cannot be put out for recycling. We are going to try and get a copy of their power point presentation to post on our blog so that anyone who is interested can see the presentation.

We had a report on the Citizen's Patrol from Ted Cover. While we have not gotten the numbers for June yet, Ted explained that the number of crimes reported in May were down. We certainly hope that this trend continues. We are in need of volunteers to patrol for the rest of this month and for August. Please contact Ted if you can volunteer for patrol duty (

We had a treasury report by Ellie Himes, who informed us that we have $1346.54 in our account. We decided to buy fertilizer for the palm trees in the medians (approximately $50.) and to buy some more plants after all the work at the Mauna Loa entrance has been completed.

We discussed the meeting that we had last Friday about the pump in the canals at the park. The meeting went very well and everyone agreed that the pump should be turned on. The county is also going to build a berm in the canal to force the water to circulate all the way around the canal and back into the lake. This should be very helpful. The moving water will be better aerated and it will also help decrease the number of mosquitoes that breed in stagnant water.

We discussed having a garage sale in mid October. Sandy Allen will be organizing it and can be reached at

Please try and make our meeting on August 11th. The best way to get your concerns heard or to voice your opinion is to be at the meeting. Hope to see you there!

Bill Pitts


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