Mauna Loa Beautification

The task was simple: 55 trees in eight medians along Mauna Loa required 170 bags of mulch:

And fertilizer, organized for each median island by Ray:

Ray got the mulch and fertilizer by utilizing county grant funds. Once again, we owe a debt of thanks to Sarasota County Neighborhood Services, in particular to Debbie Marks, the county liaison who has been there for us from the beginning, four years ago.

The fertilizer and mulch were on-site by 8:30 a.m. yesterday:


A small band of volunteers began distributing the mulch to the median islands, while an even small band began trimming and weeding:

Desiree and Josh

Other bags were distributed to other volunteers at Wake Avenue, where the sign was recently refurbished, and at Hina Park:

Thanks to all who turned out and gave their time and strength.

Update: A "thank you" from Ray, and a few more pics taken by Tina and Desiree:

 I really appreciate each of the volunteers that attended our clean up. What a GREAT group of neighbors! Everyone was eager to do whatever was necessary to get the job done and all of you worked so hard! You all deserve to be congratulated for the superb job you did. Anyone driving past our entrances or on Mauna Loa certainly must notice the difference you have made. Our neighborhood looks better because we joined hands and worked together! Thank you all very much! Ray


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