Any Martial Arts Instructors in the Neighborhood?

How can what began 2009 at Hina Point Park become something more? Here's a few words from Faith. Other ideas? --

People have been using the park all day and when Brandon and I walked the dogs neighbors that helped came out and told stories of going to the park last evening and today and meeting others...One of the men said he noticed some straggled limbs so wanted to trim them up so it would look nicer, I think the seed of pride has struck our fallen section of the neighborhood and I really want to encourage it...neighbors became neighbors yesterday not just people living in the neighborhood...

Laura called and we talked about ways to keep bringing people together and something for the kids so maybe they will respect it and I thought if someone in LS could instruct some form of martial arts for kids...not like the rigid classes but something that would entice them...if we could find a volunteer...wouldn't that be wonderful and maybe someone to do yoga...well it a thought.

I have to admit with the Park right across from my house I look out and find myself tearing up several times a day...I honestly can't believe it happened..

More photos, these taken by Faith:


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