New Officers Elected at Nov. Meeting

Members of the Lake Sarasota Community Group (LSCG) unanimously approved articles of incorporation on Tuesday, and elected a new slate of officers for the coming year.

The articles of incorporation handed out at the October meeting were approved with only very minor changes. The primary purpose for this step was to enable the group to have a bank account, to accept and write checks, and to qualify for not-for-profit status.

New officers include:

Jeff Ellis, Chairman, replacing Laura Mathis. (Laura was one of the driving forces of the LSCG and will remain active with the group.)

Judy Johnson is the new Membership Director, Tisha and Dawn will co-direct the Beautification Committee.

Ellie Himes is the new Treasurer; her first order of business will be to file the articles of incorporation with the state.

George Morgan continues with Citizens Patrol, Renee continues with Yard of the Month, and Judy and Tisha will actively monitor traffic issues. (Note meeting on stop signs on Nov. 20th.)

Sandy Allen will take charge of parties and special events. There's talk of a holiday hayride, caroling, and of planning a Neighborhood Yard Sale for January.

Dawn is involved with Roots and Shoots, a neighborhood program for children. Tom continues as Blogmeister.

Kim Davis will coordinate clean-ups of Mauna Loa. Kids can get community service hours for participating. If you see anyone littering, get their tag and call 365-TAGS.

The treasury currently has about $200.

The permit for the flagpole at the entrance has finally come through, Laura announced. Once in place, some landscaping will be organized.

Upcoming Events:

Tues. Nov. 20th, 1:30 p.m. County Commission vote on stop signs for Mauna Loa.

Sunday, Dec. 2nd, 1 p.m. Meet at LSCG sign near front entrance to decorate entrance for the holidays.

Next General Meeting: Tues. Dec. 11, 7 p.m. at Sarasota Baptist.


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